Swift Verruca Treatment

Verrucae are a pain. Literally.

They are difficult to treat, persistent, and unsightly. Some can persevere for years, growing deeper and impacting more and more on daily activities. 

Around 10% of the population have a verruca. Most people have tried some form of treatment….but it hasn’t worked.

The good news?

Swift is a scientifically proven solution that attacks the verruca virus at it’s heart.

How does Swift verruca treatment work?

Watch the video above to see how Swift treatment works and how it can help you.

Will Swift treatment work for me?

The results of an independent UK clinical study concluded that 76% of patients showed a complete resolution of their verrucae after an average of 3 treatments.

Patients also reported that the pain from their verruca significantly reduced following each treatment. 

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